Mother Takes Custody Away From Father and Allowed to Move to East Coast on Military Orders with Chil
Attorney Stephen Rocha argues for Father to lose custody due to questionable and poor parenting to Mother (Client) who also asks to...

Husband Ordered to Account For IRA Funds Suspected to Have Been Squandered in Gambling During Marria
Attorney Stephen Rocha hedged his client's (Wife) bets by securing order that Husband is to account for funds withdrawn from his IRA dur

Mom Gets Increase in Support and Takes Away Child Tax Exemption from Father
Attorney Stephen Rocha gets increase in Child Support for Mother of an additional approximate $500 per mother to include support from...

Dad Ordered to Pay Private School Tuition and Forced to Disenroll Child from Public School
Attorney Stephen Rocha schools Father by responding quickly to Father blatantly enrolling child unilaterally in public school to avoid...

Tables Turned on Mom When Her Request to Reduce Dad's Timeshare Results in Dad Getting More Time
Attorney Stephen Rocha turned the tables on Mom when her request to reduce Dad's timeshare turns into Dad getting more time. Mother was...